In the “Ecstasy of Influence” Jonathan Lethem he questions whether or not culture should be treated as properly and I believe it should not be treated as property because I strongly believe that it should be treated as property because when artists are introduced to all kinds of culture, they are more likely to take inspiration and create something innovative. Claiming ownership of a culture only slows down the process of creativity. Not claiming culture as property opens doors for collaborations between different cultures artists which can in turn bring everyone together as a whole and can result as learning about different cultures. In “Ecstasy of Influence” it states “In fact, it is neither. Rather, copyright is ongoing social negotiation, tenuously forged endlessly revised, and imperfect in its every incarnation.” There are always many copyright issues that arise, and all can simply be avoided by asking the original owner if you can use their art or music. If you use music for example without crediting the rightful owner, that is considered plagiarism and can escalate to the person being sued. I believe that all art belongs to the original creator and can only be used if you have asked for permission and credit them rightfully.