It is crucial for AI tech to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion because it cannot think for itself, therefore all of the knowledge it gets is from humans and how they program AI to work and the things it compiles from what is posted online. Having these principles can positively impact AI development and the broader societal implications because it means that if AI will be able to provide unbiased information and prioritize being inclusive, then more people will be exposed to different knowledge and information created by different people. Many people today have unconscious biases that are given to them by their parents, the media, their friends and even from school that it’s hard to uncover what your real beliefs are, but AI doesn’t have parents, or friends and it doesn’t go to school. It just starts existing and all of it’s knowledge is what’s posted online and if the person programming AI is biased towards someone/something then the results will be based on that persons bias and not an objective view of everything that’s been posted. If the results AI provides are biased, the things you can create with AI will have limitations since it can’t just create, but it has to create based on certain parameters.
Blog posts
There are 31 posts filed in Blog posts (this is page 2 of 4).
Blog Post #3
The reason as to why it’s crucial for artificial intelligence technology to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion is because it could avoid things such as data bias. This is when you receive information that does not accurately reflect a population which can result in inaccurate information, biased responses, etc. So with this out of the way we receive more accurate answers to our questions.
Blog Post #3 prompt
Why is it crucial for artificial intelligence technology to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, and how do you believe these principles can positively impact AI development and its broader societal implications?
blog 2
Jonathan Lethem questions wether culture should be treated properly, to be honest nobody really follows culture these days. There’s always gonna be people who do, but if you compare your family culture to old days its not really the same, either there’s going to be some things you follow or they’ll be new things.
Ulrick’s Blog Post#2
Based on “The Ecstasy of Influence”, I highly believe that people who discover an unforeseen or unheard act. Will simply get influenced by the extraordinary event at that given time. The creativity in people and the world can inspire and motivate others for ways to bring upon to their satisfaction. An addition, I also believe that people could just generally act on impulse. Plagiarism can be seen as a factor of taking peoples work and making it similar to their own. However, it’s the intent on how they’re doing it.
Blog #2: The Ecstasy Of Influence
In the “Ecstasy Of Influence” Jonathan Lethem he questions whether or not culture should be treated as properly and I believe it should not be treated properly, I believe this because he states that it should not be maintained as private or to one self or for you to have power over it. In addition, he states that culture should be like available to everyone and should be used to the public for creating more idea or different things. Lastly, I believe that copyright and property regulations should be asked for permission when used because you are taking someone else’s art or music or even creativity and adding it to your type of art and if you don’t ask permission it is like you are not giving the creator credits and it seems unfair. If they copy or use the same things then it would be considered plaigiarism in my opinion because it is not your art that you created and it could of took time for the original creator to make and just for one person to take it away even though letham might find it okay or not okay to use that creativity all art is influenced based off something else or something .
Culture should not be treated as property , since Culture is “the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group”. Treating culture as property would led to limiting creativity and innovation by impeding the progress of culture and the arts by discouraging artists and innovators from elaborating on or reinterpreting previous cultural works. Also, leading to monopoly and corporates control which limits the diversity of voices and cultural expressions. This has the potential to homogenize culture and art, with a concentration on business over artistic expression. Overall, cultural should not be treated as property for it benefits of helping and creating new innovation for our society
Jenn’s Response to Blog Post #2
I believe culture should not be treated as property. Culture is based off of different peoples civilization. If you were to look up the definition for the word “culture” then you would see “Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation.” The idea of claiming different societies culture is selfish and takes away societal institutions hard work.
Blog Post 2#
I think culture should be treated as property because it belongs to creators to be able to produce. It is one of those things creators use to invent. As it encourages creators to build a idea/creation from their culture. Without culture how would they even get inspired to create? It not easy to pop an idea if you can not get inspired. -Helen
My Response to blog #2
I think that when I think about copyright, the way I view it is a person trying to pass off someone else’s work as their own and profit from it, or take an idea, for example Mickey Mouse and create merch out of it and profit from it. I think in that situation the original owner can take legal action. Obviously Disney won’t feel the effects as much since it’s a multi-million dollar company but smaller companies do feel the effects when someone steals their idea. However if a person uses someone else’s property as inspiration and creates something different then the original owner can’t do anything about it because all their work was used for, was inspiration.
I do not think culture should be treated as property, in most cases. People don’t own culture; they may be part of a culture but they didn’t create it. It’s art, beliefs, traditions, ideas, etc., passed down throughout the generations and large groups of people share the same or similar culture. Culture is meant to be shared and experienced by many different people and it’s meant to be appreciated. It’s like saying, you can’t celebrate Christmas because I celebrate Christmas and since my family’s been doing it longer than you, it belongs to me. Obviously it’s not as simple as that, and that example was just to get my point across but that’s how it sounds when people say that culture belongs to groups of people and nobody else can participate. (Also this conversation is usually about some kind of religious object or a certain clothing piece specific to a group and I don’t mean to diminish the seriousness of this topic by using Christmas as an example it was just the first thing that came to mind that most people would understand.) I think stealing things from other cultures is not ok. There is a huge difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation. I think when people come from a place of respect and curiosity and admiration and enjoy something from a specific culture and recognize and embrace the differences of different cultures, it’s ok. Not to steal something, but participate in something from that culture. But if it’s coming from a place of actually stealing ideas to make money or to make a mockery of something that is valued and respected in someone’s culture then that’s not ok and in that case something should be done about it. Also there are a lot more complicated things in regards to this and if I got into all of that this blog post would be like 5000 words long. Also this is about culture being property, and the conversation for what is culture and the difference between appreciation and appropriation kind of goes hand in hand with culture being treated as property.