In the “Ecstasy Of Influence” Jonathan Lethem he questions whether or not culture should be treated as properly and I believe it should not be treated properly, I believe this because he states that it should not be maintained as private or to one self or for you to have power over it. In addition, he states that culture should be like available to everyone and should be used to the public for creating more idea or different things. Lastly, I believe that copyright and property regulations should be asked for permission when used because you are taking someone else’s art or music or even creativity and adding it to your type of art and if you don’t ask permission it is like you are not giving the creator credits and it seems unfair. If they copy or use the same things then it would be considered plaigiarism in my opinion because it is not your art that you created and it could of took time for the original creator to make and just for one person to take it away even though letham might find it okay or not okay to use that creativity all art is influenced based off something else or something .